Increasing the impact of evidence-based policy

Increasing the impact of evidence-based policy

Over past decades, the term, ‘evidence-based policy’ has come to dominate policy discussions. In education, as in all policy fields, the extent to which a policy is evidence-based has become the measure of how we discuss the quality of a policy and whether it is to be...
Effective professional development policy

Effective professional development policy

This is the first blog post for quite a while as the blogs I write didn’t seem appropriate with everything that has been happening. But I have regularly been told by system leaders that the work of school and system improvement never stops. So, I have decided to start...
Responding to PISA

Responding to PISA

On 3 December the OECD released the latest PISA results; their assessment of 15-year-old students in reading, science and mathematics across 79 countries. PISA is high profile in many countries, so system leaders often have to respond in some way; the pressure builds...